Activities In Portugal

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Book The Lisbon Catamaran Cruise

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How It Works

Select Your Destination
Choose your city in Portugal from our destination list
Select Your Chosen Activity
*Chose your activity or multiple activities
*Please contact us if you want to confirm availability before booking
*Select your date and time
*Pay the full balance or the deposit
*Money is not taken from your account at this point it is just being hold by the card processer
We confirm or deny your activity
*When we receive an order the vendor will confirm or deny your order.
*If your order is confirm we capure the payment and the monies is taken from your account
*If we deny, your money is released from the hold by the card processor. We do not have access to the pament anymore
Receive your online ticket/itinerary
Receive your online ticket / itinerary, if can take a little time to arrange the finer details, especially if your order includes travel. Once the details are in place we will email your ticket. If you do not receive your ticket 1 week before your date of travel, please email us immediately
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About Activities In Portugal​

Please note, we are a booking platform and not an agency. Please check if your question can be found on our website prior to contacting us. (not applicable to corporate clients) The office is not open Saturday and Sunday
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Activities In Portugal
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