Building Bridges Team Building Lisbon


Price Per Person
10 Guests
100 Guests
1 Hour


Building Bridges Team Building Lisbon

Building Bridges Team Building Lisbon is an engaging and dynamic event that challenges teams to think creatively, communicate effectively, and work together under pressure. This unique experience transforms an ordinary day into an opportunity for employees to strengthen their problem-solving skills and build lasting connections.

The Building Bridges challenge provides teams with a selection of random items like straws, paper cups, tape, and string. The task? Construct a bridge capable of supporting a specified weightโ€”all within a 40-minute time limit. As the clock ticks down, participants must brainstorm, strategize, and adapt quickly, making the most of limited resources.

This challenge not only emphasizes teamwork and communication but also fosters innovation and leadership as colleagues collaborate to design and build their structures. The thrill of testing the bridges and discovering which can withstand the weight adds an element of excitement and friendly competition, encouraging participants to push their limits and celebrate each other’s successes.

The combination of problem-solving, creativity, and fun ensures that the Building Bridges Team Building Lisbon experience leaves a lasting impressionโ€”reinforcing the importance of trust, cooperation, and resourcefulness in the workplace.

This event is the perfect mix of challenge, collaboration, and coastal relaxation, making it an unforgettable highlight for teams looking to strengthen their bonds and return to work inspired and energized.

What’s Included In Building Bridges Team Building Lisbon?

Experienced Event Representative

Items like straws, paper cups, tape, and string etc

Venue is not included

Activities In Portugalย provide a vast and comprehensive list of activities in Lisbon

Why You Should Visit Lisbon

Sunny Lisbon Days ...

The city of Lisbon receives up to 2,600 hours of sun each year and more than 300 days of sunshine. Perfect for your Lisbon break and group parties. Book Activities in Lisbon to make your visit to Lisbon spectacular.

The clear blue waters, golden sands, and picturesque cliffs create a postcard-worthy setting for beach lovers and nature enthusiasts.

How Old Is Lisbon? ...

Old!! Lisbon is the westernmost capital city in continental Europe and is one of the oldest cities of the old continent. At least with 2700 years old, Lisbon's history is lengthy and complex.

Albufeira also hosts various cultural events, such as festivals, art exhibitions, and traditional music performances, providing visitors with a chance to immerse themselves in the local culture.

What Does Lisbon mean? ...

Name origin: lisboa, Portuguese derivative of the Phoenician Allis Ubbo for safe harbour; Latin Ulyssippo after Ulysses; and/or Roman Olissipona, for the name of the Tagus. Nickname: A Cidade das Sete Colinas (The City of Seven Hills), Rainha do Mar (Queen of the Sea)

Specification: Building Bridges Team Building Lisbon



Max Group Size

100 Guests

Min Group Size

10 Guests


1 Hour


Price Per Person

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