Safety in Lisbon

Tips For Your Safety in Lisbon Portugal is the third safest country in the world and has a very low crime rate over all. However as in any capital or larger city when visiting Lisbon you do have to take care, think and use common sense. Below are our tips on Safety In Lisbon. Be Aware of ...

8 Sports Bars Lisbon

You may be in Lisbon but you cannot miss THAT match! Well Activities in Portugal have go you covered, below are 8 Sport Bars Lisbon. 1The Couch RUA DO ALECRIM 21A, LISBONThis hidden gem opened its doors in 2017 and has since become a big favorite for sports fans both visiting or living ...

Parque Das Nações – Expo

Parque Das Nações is a modern island in the middle of the other traditional and historic city.Built as the site of the world fair 1998 expo.It is still widely referred to as exactly that, expo park or just expo by the locals. Ocean Theme The entire park is build with an ocean theme as a ...

Lisbon Culture

Lisbon culture is a true gem with its many beautiful historical areas and buildings.A big choice of museums and art galleries.In many areas of the city the streets and car parks has become its own gallery filled of urban street art. Its something for everyone. Alfama The oldest part of the ...


Belem is located 6 km west of the city center of Lisbon.It has a beautiful mix between some of Lisbon's most historical landmarks, stunning gardens and museums. It is easily accessed by train or tram. Belem Tower The most famous sights is the 16th century Torre De Belem located in the ...


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